Finance & Economics

IMF Staff Completes 2018 Article IV Consultation Mission to Angola

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) team led by Ricardo Velloso visited Luanda from March 1-15, 2018, to conduct discussions for the 2018 Article IV consultation.

World Bank Group Statement on Open Trade

Trade is an engine of growth that creates jobs, reduces poverty and increases economic opportunity. After a protracted period of low growth, the global economy saw trade volumes grow by 4.3% in 2017, the fastest rate in 6 years.

IMF Reaches Staff-Level Agreement with Mali on 2018 Article IV Consultation and Eighth Review under ECF Arrangement

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission led by Boriana Yontcheva visited Bamako during March 12–16, 2018 to complete discussions on the eighth review of Mali’s economic and financial program supported by the Fund’s Extended Credit Facility (ECF), and the 2018 Article IV consultation. Discussions were initiated during October 29–November 11, 2017.

IMF Executive Board Discusses Program Design in Currency Unions

On February 21, 2018, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) discussed general guidance on the design of Fund-supported programs with members of the existing four currency unions—the Central African Economic and Monetary Community, the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union, the European Monetary Union, and the West African Economic and Monetary Union.

LITRG welcomes extension of childcare voucher scheme

The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) has welcomed the Government announcement during a House of Commons debate that the tax and National Insurance relief offered through childcare vouchers would remain available to new applicants for a further six months.

Rumoured jobs tax would make this government the highest-taxing in five decades

Responding to yet more rumours of a hypothecated 'NHS tax' by increasing national insurance, Alex Wild, Research Director at the TaxPayers' Alliance, said:
“For all the government’s spin about cutting taxes, they’ve quietly been ramping them up to levels that Gordon Brown could only dream of. It’s no wonder growth is so weak when work and investment are punished so heavily by the taxman.

World Bank Supports Lebanon’s Public Transport to Improve Mobility, Spur Growth

The World Bank, on March 15, approved a US$295 million package ushering in the overhaul of Lebanon’s decaying transport sector and securing employment for thousands of unskilled Lebanese and Syrian workers. The Greater Beirut Public Transport Project (GBPTP) will jumpstart the country’s first modern public transport system in decades, ease stifling congestions on Lebanese roads, and unlocking private finance to a vital infrastructure sector.

Free trade zones are being used to traffic counterfeit goods

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MEPs approve new EU corporate tax plan which embraces “digital presence”

Firms would be taxed where they earn their profits under a proposed harmonised corporate tax system which uses the online activities of digital firms to calculate their tax bills.

Quality and effective apprenticeships: Council adopts European framework

The Council adopted a recommendation on a framework for quality and effective apprenticeships which will help young people to enter the world of work, on March 15th.