Finance & Economics

IMF Executive Board Completes Second Review under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) Arrangement for Tunisia

● The government’s reform program supported by the EFF arrangement aims at reducing high and growing macroeconomic imbalances, ensuring adequate social protection, and fostering private sector-led, job-creating growth.

Australia needs to shore up development aid to match its reinforced engagement

Australia’s active global engagement on development and its focus on fragile small island states and disaster risk reduction are commendable. However successive cuts to the country’s aid budget since 2013 are impairing its efforts, according to a new OECD Review.

Statement by IMF African Department Director Abebe Aemro Selassie at the Conclusion of his Visit to Senegal

● It will be important for the Senegalese authorities to enhance tax revenue mobilization to sustain much needed development spending and maintain debt sustainability.

Addressing Inequality through More Equitable Labor Markets in Mauritius: World Bank Report

Mauritius is often cited as an African success story, given the last decade was characterized by substantial economic growth. However, the same decade was also marked by limited shared prosperity and increased inequality. According to the newly released World Bank report, the gap between the incomes of the poorest and the richest 10 percent of households increased by 37 percent from 2001 to 2015.

IMF Staff Completes Review Mission to Rwanda

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) staff team, led by Laure Redifer, visited Kigali from March 14–23, 2018 to conduct discussions on the ninth review of Rwanda’s Policy Support Instrument (PSI) supported program.

Current plans for LBTT relief complex and difficult to enforce warn tax professionals

A Scottish Government plan to help first-time homebuyers by giving them a relief on property tax could be complex and difficult to enforce under current proposals, tax professionals have warned.

US Steel, Aluminum Tariffs Activated; Some Countries Exempt

The White House announced late Thursday which countries will be temporarily exempt from the tariffs on steel and aluminum that go into effect Friday.

Cambodia: Electricity Access Increased, Reliability Needs Improvement


CPEC offers enormous potential to Boost Pakistan Economy, Report Says

With investments in road, railways and ports, the $60 billion China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) offers enormous potential for Pakistan to boost its economy, reduce poverty, spread benefits widely and help those likely to be affected by the new trade route, a new report says.

World Bank Helps Bangladesh Improve National Statistics

The World Bank, on March 22th, approved a $15 million financing to help Bangladesh produce timely and quality statistics. This will help the country make more evidence-based policy decisions.