Statement at the Conclusion of an IMF Mission to Botswana
“Botswana is undergoing a cyclical recovery in line with its major trading partners. The economy grew faster than expected in 2013 at about 6 percent, owing to the improved performance of the mining sector. However, the non-mineral sector slowed down...
Statement by the EC, ECB, and IMF on the Twelfth Review Mission to Portugal
Portugal, the economic recovery is broadening. Exports continue to drive economic growth, while private investment and consumption have also started to pick up. Unemployment is expected to decline further, in line with the moderate economic recovery...
Statement by the European Commission and the European Central Bank following the conclusion of the first post-programme surveillance mission to Ireland
Following the successful completion of the EU/IMF financial assistance programme at the end of 2013, staff teams from the European Commission and European Central Bank (ECB), visited Ireland to carry out post-programme surveillance (PPS) on April 29-2...
OECD now accounts for slightly less than 50% of world GDP, large emerging economies for about 30%
Shares in world GDP in PPPs, 2011 (%)
Parent Subsidiaries Directive, Financial Transaction Tax and In-Depth Reviews 2014 on the ECOFIN agenda
A proposal for an amended Directive on the common system of taxation applicable in the case of parent companies and subsidiaries of different Member States, a proposal for a Directive implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of Financial...
Pro-Russian militants stormed a Ukrainian police station in Odessa on Sunday and freed nearly 70 fellow activists as Ukraine’s prime minister blamed police corruption there for dozens of deaths in rioting on Friday.
Staff teams from the European Commission (EC), European Central Bank (ECB), and International Monetary Fund (IMF) visited Lisbon from 22 April to 2 May for the 12th and final review of Portugal’s economic adjustment program. Discussion with the...
World Bank Group Approves $1 billion for Supporting Economic Reforms in Pakistan
The World Bank Group approved a package of assistance worth US$1 billion to support Pakistan’s economic reforms on Thursday. The assistance package consists of two Development Policy Credits (DPCs) to support the Government of Pakistan’s efforts to...
IMF Executive Board Approves 2-Year US$17.01 Billion Stand-By Arrangement for Ukraine, US$3.19 Billion for immediate Disbursement
The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved a two-year Stand-By Arrangement (SBA) for Ukraine. The arrangement amounts to SDR 10.976 billion (about US$17.01 billion, 800 percent of quota) and was approved under the Fund's...
Fifteen millions dollars to strengthen macroeconomic resilience and to improve competitiveness in Cabo Verde
The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved on April 22 a US$15.5 million credit to support the Government of Cabo Verde’s effort to strengthen the country’s macroeconomic resilience to external shocks. The Poverty Reduction Support Credit...
Top earners capturing growing share of total income in many countries, says OECD
The share of the richest 1% in total pre-tax income have increased in most OECD countries over the past three decades. This rise is the result of the top 1% capturing a disproportionate share of overall income growth over that timeframe: up to 37% in...