Finance & Economics

Harmonised Unemployment Rates (HURs), OECD

OECD Harmonised Unemployment Rates, s.a.

New US$5.6 Million Credit Agreement to Improve Access to Basic Services in Djibouti City

The World Bank Group Board of Directors approved a US$5.6 million credit for Djibouti to support the government’s Second Urban Poverty Reduction Project (DUPREP II). This highly concessional credit is designed to assist the government’s efforts to...

Composite Leading Indicators (CLI), OECD, May 2014


Germany should enact economic and social reforms to make its growth path more inclusive and sustainable, OECD says

ECO Survey GE_0.JPG

Young people voice their opinions on Europe's future

EYE participant getting ready to fly the EU flag in Strasbourg

Ethiopia: World Bank to help create new jobs and improve competitiveness through development of industrial zones and strengthening linkages with local economy

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved a US$250 million credit in support of the Government of Ethiopia’s effort to create new jobs and increase competitiveness in the light manufacturing sector through the development of industrial...

Enhancing ICT Access for Rural Transformation

Internet use in China’s rural areas lags behind that in cities. While three-fifth of urban Chinese use the Internet, less than a quarter of the rural population do so, and the gap is growing. Access to ICT (information and communication technology)...

Statement at the Conclusion of the IMF’s 2014 Article IV Consultation Mission to Swaziland

A mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) led by Mr. Jiro Honda visited the Kingdom of Swaziland during April 28‒May 12, 2014 to conduct the 2014 Article IV consultation with Swaziland.

Statement at the Conclusion of IMF Workshop at the Central Bank of Oman

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission comprising Mr. Ananthakrishnan Prasad and Ms. Mariana Colacelli visited Oman to hold a two-day workshop with staff of the Central Bank of Oman (CBO) on May 7-8, 2014, on Oman’s medium-term macroeconomic...

Statement by IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde at the Conclusion of Her Visit to Jordan and the Regional Conference in Amman

Ms. Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), made the following statement at the end of her two-day visit to Jordan and the conclusion of the high-level regional conference “Building the Future,” co-hosted by the...