Finance & Economics

World Bank Group to Help Rwanda Improve its Social Protection System

The World Bank Group’s (WBG) Board of Executive Directors today approved a US$70million International Development Association (IDA) credit to support the Government of Rwanda (GoR) improve the efficiency, coverage and harmonization of its social...

World Bank: Bulgaria Can Achieve Faster, More Inclusive and Sustainable Growth

World Bank Regional Director for Central Europe and the Baltic Countries, Mamta Murthi, visited Bulgaria this week to discuss with the government, parliament and other stakeholders how can Bulgaria turn the tide and promote growth and shared...

UK Government and industry creating pipeline of growth for UK tunnelling and underground construction

UK Skills Minister Nick Boles announced £1.1 million of government funding to match £1.7 million of industry investment to help create a legacy of engineering jobs and skills from major projects including the Crossrail development on 22 January 2015...

UK Director “Deleted” from the register for causing Manchester-based company to breach regulations


ECB announces expanded asset purchase programme


Most Commodity Prices Expected to Continue Declining in 2015, in Rare Occurrence, Says WB Report

This year may well see a rare occurrence for world commodity markets – a decline in all nine key commodity price indices, says the World Bank’s latest Commodity Markets Outlook, released on January 22.

OECD bolsters relationship with Kazakhstan – Signs Kazakhstan Country Programme Agreement

The OECD and the Government of Kazakhstan are signing in Davos a Memorandum of Understanding on a two-year Country Programme, which will support an ambitious set of reforms of Kazakhstan’s policies and institutions on January 22.

World Bank Group to Help Rwanda Improve its Social Protection System

The World Bank Group’s (WBG) Board of Executive Directors on January 22 approved a US$70million International Development Association (IDA) credit to support the Government of Rwanda (GoR) improve the efficiency, coverage and harmonization of its...

Achieving Regional Convergence: New Project Examines Catching-up Through Improved Investment Climate

Together with the Ministry of Development, EU Commission Delegation to Turkey, and the Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU), the World Bank kicked off the Regional Investment Climate Assessment Project on January 21.

US$8.5 million in Support of Healthcare Services and Sector Reforms in the Palestinian Territories

Health expenditures have risen sharply in the Palestinian territories due to the recent conflict in Gaza (July-August 2014) and the increase in medical referrals abroad which has taken a heavy toll on the economy. The US$8.5 million Health System...