Finance & Economics

Boeing Delivers Okay Airways' First Next-Generation 737-900ER

Boeing and Okay Airways celebrated the delivery of the carrier's first Next-Generation 737-900ER (Extended Range). The delivery marks the first 737-900ER to be delivered to a Chinese customer and is the first of eight 737-900ERs that Okay Airways has...

Discard ban: MEPs delay enforcement of sanctions on fishermen who fail to comply
St. Kitts and Nevis Repays Early Some Outstanding Obligations to the IMF

St. Kitts and Nevis repaid, ahead of schedule, SDR 2.8 million (about US$3.9 million) obligations to the IMF on January 29, 2015. This is the third early repayment by St. Kitts and Nevis of the SDR 47.4 million (about US$73.1 million) borrowed under...

Tourism Reforms Could Create More Growth and Jobs for Tanzanians

Tourism is already a major contributor to Tanzania’s economy. However, as the latest Tanzania Economic Update published by the World Bank argues, this strategic industry can grow and create more high-paying jobs, and closer linkages with businesses...

Statement at the End of an IMF Mission to the West Bank and Gaza

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission led by Christoph Duenwald visited East Jerusalem and Ramallah from January 21-29, 2015, to assess recent economic developments in the West Bank and Gaza and the financial situation of the Palestinian...

Plunging Oil Prices Bring Gains and Losses to the Middle East and North Africa Region

On January 29, the over-50 percent decline in world oil prices—from US$115 a barrel in June 2014 to less than US$50 today—will have significant consequences for the economies of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. According to the World...

Statement by IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde at the Conclusion of a Visit to Rwanda

Rwanda’s economic achievements are based on real GDP growth that has averaged 8 percent a year over the past decade, subdued inflation, and foreign reserves maintained at adequate levels. This has enabled an impressive performance in reducing poverty...

Reforms needed to boost productivity and accelerate convergence in Estonia, OECD says


TTIP: spotlight on the sensitive issues at EP public hearing

EU-US negotiations on the TTIP free trade agreement are continuing. The deal which is expected to create new jobs and boost economies on both sides of the Atlantic touches upon sensitive issues, not least rules for the investor-state dispute...

IMF Team Concludes Visit to Trinidad and Tobago

An International Monetary Fund mission, headed by Mr. Elie Canetti, visited Trinidad and Tobago from January 19 - 26, 2015 for a regular staff visit.