Meeting climate goals will require stronger policies to cut emissions
Average annual drop in emissions in 2005-12 and implied drop for post-2020 goals
* Includes land...
Commodity Prices Expected to Drop Across the Board in 2015, Led by Energy Price declines
The World Bank is lowering its 2015 forecast for crude oil prices to $52 per barrel from $57 per barrel in July on economic weakness and expectations of a jump in Iranian oil exports after international sanctions are lifted, according to the Bank’s...
Infrastructure Critical for Growth, Competitiveness, Job Creation and Poverty Alleviation
Mobilizing private sector investment in high-quality, sustainable infrastructure is crucial to ensuring access to markets and basic services that will boost trade and productivity, provide jobs, and improve people’s lives.
World Bank Support to Improve Hindukush Mountain Roads in Afghanistan
The World Bank Tuesday (October 20) approved a $250 million grant to help support the Government of Afghanistan’s efforts to improve road transport links across the Hindukush mountain range, including the rehabilitation of the Salang road and tunnel...
Leaders Unite in Calling for a Price on Carbon Ahead of Paris Climate Talks
For the first time, an unprecedented alliance of Heads of State, city and state leaders, with the support of heads of leading companies, have joined forces to urge countries and companies around the globe to put a price on carbon.
Governments must step up R&D in frontier technology
Top players in frontier technologies & change from 2005-07 to 2010-12
(Share of IP5 patent families filed...
Brazil’s social and economic progress linked to higher productivity and better jobs for the poor
In the past 15 years, employment and earnings have grown significantly in Brazil, and the labor market was the key driver for the sharp decreases in poverty and inequality. To maintain social and economic development, and sustain the accomplishments...
Africa Gains in Health, Education, but Numbers of Poor Grow
Africa’s strong economic growth has contributed to improving people’s health and education in the past 20 years as well as major reductions in poverty in several countries, but a rapid rise in population has led to increases in the overall number of...
Music exports hit a note with UK government as more labels and songwriters receive funding boost
Thirteen UK music companies together with 3 songwriters are to receive significant funding to boost their overseas touring and song-writing collaborations. Among those selected are the management company behind Catfish and the Bottlemen, winner of the...
World Bank’s New End-Poverty Tool: Surveys in Poorest Countries
Addressing huge gaps in the collection of poverty data, the World Bank Group pledged Thursday to work with developing countries and international partners to ensure that the 78 poorest nations have household-level surveys every three years, with the...