Improving Competitiveness of Manufacturing in Kenya
New World Bank reports released on Friday underline the way to improving the competitiveness of key manufacturing sectors in Kenya. Analysis shows that the performance of the timber-furniture, textile-apparel, and leather and leather products value...
IMF Executive Board Completes Second Review of Stand-By Arrangement with Serbia
The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on October 23, 2015 completed the second review of Republic of Serbia’s economic performance under the Stand-By Arrangement (SBA). The completion of the review will make available the...
World Bank Supports Reform Efforts in Seychelles Towards Spreading the Benefits of Growth
The World Bank Board of Executive Directors on Friday approved an International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) loan of US$5 million for Seychelles to support on-going reforms to boost shared prosperity.
The World Bank Group Welcomes Sudan’s Decision to Join the World’s Largest Agricultural Research Partnership
The World Bank welcomes Sudan’s decision to join the CGIAR Fund, the world’s largest public vehicle for financing the agricultural research advances needed to tackle complex global development challenges. CGIAR, formerly known as the Consultative...
IMF Ends Visit to Kosovo Reaching Staff-Level Agreement on First Review of Stand-By Arrangement
An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission, led by Jacques Miniane, visited Pristina during October 12–23 to conduct the first review of Kosovo’s economic program supported by a Stand By Arrangement.
Tax rulings: special committee finalises its recommendations
It has taken eight months of hard work, but the results are finally there: on Monday 26 October the special committee on tax rulings votes on its recommendations for achieving fair and transparent corporate taxation in Europe. MEPs vote on them during...
Investment Plan for Europe: EIB support for wind farm off Belgian coast
186.000 households. After reaching its financial close on October 23, construction is set to begin in April next year. With 40% of the total EIB investment in the project proposed for a guarantee under EFSI, Nobelwind would be the largest project in...
UK announces new measures to eradicate gender pay inequality
•new steps include forcing larger employers to publish information about their bonuses for men and women and extending plan for gender pay gap reporting
•announcement is part of wider plan to help women and black and minority ethnic (BME) groups...
Chinese State Visit: up to £40 billion deals agreed
Almost £40bn of deals between China and UK were agreed during the visit.
Statement at the Conclusion of an IMF Staff Visit to Romania
An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission visited Bucharest October 13-21 to discuss recent economic developments and the 2016 budget plans.