World Bank Reconfirms its Commitment to Support Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan has succeeded in growing its economy over the past decade, lifting many people out of poverty and improving the lives of its citizens, says World Bank Vice President for Europe and Central Asia Cyril Muller.
World Bank: Improved effectiveness of spending in Indonesia can boost growth in 2017
Indonesia’s reforms to fiscal policy and the investment climate are expected to boost the economy—projected to grow at 5.3 percent in 2017—according to a new World Bank report released on January 17.
Portugal should build on reforms to boost job creation
Comprehensive reforms to Portugal’s labour market between 2011 and 2015 have helped create jobs and reduce the country’s high unemployment rate but important challenges remain, according to a new OECD report.
European Social Rights: workers’ protection needs to be extended to new jobs
All workers should have their basic rights guaranteed, whatever their form of employment and contract, said MEPs approving their recommendations on Thursday for the forthcoming proposal on the “European Pillar of Social Rights”.
OECD employment rate increases to 67.0% in the third quarter of 2016
WB Supports Improvements in Transparency of Tax Authority and in Violence Prevention in Guatemala
The World Bank Board of Directors on January 17, approved two loans totaling US$ 100 million to improve the transparency and efficiency of the tax administration in Guatemala and to improve urban infrastructure and prevent violence in the Gran Ciudad...
Re-orienting Tax Incentives Could Boost Growth, Jobs and Support Poverty Alleviation
Re-orienting investment tax incentives towards sectors of the South Africa economy that have high productivity and a comparative advantage would stimulate growth, create additional jobs and support poverty alleviation, according to a World Bank report...
New Yemen Projects to Help 9 Million People with Basic Health and Nutrition Services and Work Opportunities
The World Bank Group on January 17 announced two new grants for Yemen totaling US$450 million to provide emergency support for the most vulnerable segment of the population in all of the country’s 22 governorates. The new grants from IDA, the Bank’s...
Sri Lanka Signs US$125 Million Credit to Modernize Agriculture
Sri Lanka has signed a US$125 million credit with the World Bank to help the country modernize its agriculture sector. Sri Lanka aims to make the sector more efficient and attractive as a modern business, more responsive to consumer demand, and more...
OECD unemployment rate stable at 6.2% in November 2016