European Social Rights: workers’ protection needs to be extended to new jobs


All workers should have their basic rights guaranteed, whatever their form of employment and contract, said MEPs approving their recommendations on Thursday for the forthcoming proposal on the “European Pillar of Social Rights”.

Rapporteur Maria João Rodrigues (S&D, PT) said: "Today, many European citizens feel unprotected in the face of global competition, the digital revolution and austerity policies. With this European Pillar of Social Rights, we aim to reactivate the EU as a protective shield: preventing child poverty, strengthening the youth guarantee, guaranteeing basic social rights also to people working in new forms of employment, and eventually introducing an EU social security card to help them keep track of their contributions to social schemes wherever they work in the single market".

The resolution was passed by 396 votes to 180 with 68 abstentions.

Enforcing working conditions in new forms of employment

Parliament calls on the Commission to propose EU-wide rules on decent working conditions to apply to all forms of employment, including new forms, such as on-demand work or work intermediated by digital platforms.

MEPs also urge member states to enforce labour standards more effectively, especially to tackle undeclared work. To this end, they propose introducing an EU social security card that would help ensure fair social protection for workers who contribute to welfare systems by keeping track of their contributions, accumulated in personal accounts.

Ending unpaid traineeships and zero-hour contracts

MEPs call for minimum standards proper learning, training and decent working conditions, including adequate pay for the work of interns, trainees and apprentices. Also, there should be limits regarding on-demand work: zero-hour contracts should not be allowed.

Combatting child poverty

A "guarantee for the child" should be introduced and the existing "youth guarantee" strengthened, MEPs say.

Proper funding

Parliament points out that the EPSR can only be credible if it is properly funded at national and European levels and includes a clear roadmap for its implementation by 2017.

Source: European Parliament