
Parents of Kids With Diabetes Need to Plan for School Days


Scientists adopt new strategy to find Huntington’s disease therapies

A skyline view of Huntington’s disease. Scientists searched the chromosomes of Huntington’s disease patients to find genetic...

Music Therapy Might One Day Help People With Epilepsy


Cutting Certain Carbs Might Not Ease Irritable Bowel Syndrome


Koi herpesvirus disease outbreak confirmed in UK


UK medical innovations backed by £18 million fund

The next generation of medical advances have moved a step closer thanks to £18 million of UK government support announced on 8 August by its Minister for Life Sciences, George Freeman.

Parents' Happiness Key to How Big Families Grow


Researchers develop drug-loaded nanocapsules that hijack the body’s clotting agents and then self-destruct

The research jointly lead by Professor Christoph Hagemeyer, Head of the Vascular Biotechnology Laboratory at Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute and Professor Frank Caruso, an ARC Australian Laureate Fellow in the Department of Chemical and...

Higher-Dose, Short-Duration Radiation Better for Early Breast Cancer: Study


Online Program Boosts Hand Washing, Cuts Infections
