
Can Coffee Lower Risk of Colon Cancer's Return?


Scientists uncover nuclear process in the brain that may affect disease

Brain goes nuclear - A snapshot of a one small piece of an astrocyte nuclear membrane. Blue represents the nucleus; red...

No new Ebola cases reported in Sierra Leone in past week for first time since outbreak – UN

Sierra Leone’s new “battle plan” to defeat the Ebola virus and revive critical infrastructure...

Large percentage of youth with HIV may lack immunity to measles, mumps, rubella

Between one-third and one-half of individuals in the United States who were infected with HIV around the time of birth may not have sufficient immunity to ward off measles, mumps, and rubella—even though they may have been vaccinated against these...

Cellular factors that shape the 3D landscape of the genome identified

Researchers, using novel large-scale imaging technology, have mapped the spatial location of individual genes in the nucleus of human cells and identified 50 cellular factors required for the proper three-dimensional (3D) positioning of genes. These...

Don't Let Backpacks Lead to Back Injury


Doctor Offers Back-to-School Health Tips


Newly discovered cells restore liver damage in mice without cancer risk

The liver is unique among organs in its ability to regenerate after being damaged. Exactly how it repairs itself remained a mystery until recently, when researchers supported by the National Institutes of Health discovered a type of cell in mice...

Vitamin D Supplements Little Help for Obese Teens, Study Finds


NIH study finds cutting dietary fat reduces body fat more than cutting carbs

A scale shows pasta/carbs weighed against butter/fat.