World News

Thousands of DR Congo refugees head home to Kasai region from Angola

A general view of Lovua Refugee Settlement in Angola, March 2018.

Urgent action needed to reform gender discriminatory nationality laws causing childhood statelessness

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, UNICEF, and the Global Campaign for Equal Nationality Rights are calling for urgent action to reform gender discriminatory nationality laws that remain a root cause of global childhood statelessness.

Venezuela migrant crisis begs a ‘coherent, predictable and harmonized’ response: UNHCR

Nine-year-old Acnayeli (center) fled violence in Venezuela and lives now with her mother and...

‘Ground Zero’: Report from the former Semipalatinsk Test Site in Kazakhstan

A view of Semipalatinsk Test Site's ground zero in Kurchatov, Kazakhstan. Remote Semipalatinsk...