World News

Donors pledge US$1.2 billion funding to UNHCR for refugee protection and humanitarian programmes

UNHCR staff talk to students on the first day of term at Tal Estabel school in Aleppo, Syria, September 2019.

Indian Gang Rape Victim Set on Fire on Way to Court, Dies

A woman in northern India who was on her way to a court hearing of a rape case she had filed months ago was set on fire Thursday morning by five men.

UNHCR outraged at senseless attacks on humanitarians in South Sudan

Sunset over Doro refugee camp in Maban County, South Sudan, June 2013.

UN High Commissioner for Refugees starts visit to Central African Republic, welcoming home refugees

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi (right) greets refugees on their return to Bangui, the Central African...