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World News

British MP says he won't meet veiled Muslim women

A Conservative MP has drawn flak from Muslims in Britain for saying he will refuse to meet women wearing the full Islamic dress in his constituency unless they lift their veil.

67 percent Britons want burqa ban

A majority of Britons - around 67 percent - want to see the burqa banned in the country.

Funds Stalled In Congress Amid Afghanistan Fatigue

In late May, the Senate approved President Obama's request for nearly $40 billion in emergency war funding. Most of that was to pay for an additional 30,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

GOP Pushes For Votes Against Kagan

The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to approve the nomination of Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court next week, with a vote expected by the full Senate soon thereafter. Because Democrats hold a Senate majority, there is little doubt she will...