World News

US civil libertarians call for greater access to Guantanamo documents

The American Civil Liberties Union has requested access to statements made by alleged conspirators of the September 11th attacks.

UN highlights role of press freedom as catalyst for social and political change

World Press Freedom Day logo.

States Must Ensure That Legislation Does Not Increase Social Inequality

This morning in the Vatican, Benedict XVI received five new non resident ambassadors to the Holy See: Teshome Toga Chanaka of Ethiopia, David Cooney of Ireland, Naivakarurubalavu Solo Mara of the Republic of Fiji, Viguen Tchitetchian of Armenia and...

World Powers Urge Iran to Grant Access to Nuclear Sites

World powers – the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council plus Germany – are pressuring Iran for “urgent” access to sites involving its controversial nuclear program.