World News

Thai Protesters Defy Ban on Large Gatherings

Thousands of demonstrators continued to protest Thailand’s prime minister in Bangkok Sunday, defying a ban on gatherings of more than four people.

Lao PDR: Poverty Continues to Decline but Progress under Threat

Lao PDR has made remarkable progress in reducing poverty over the past 25 years, with the proportion of the population living in poverty falling by more than half, from 46 percent in 1993 to 18 percent in 2019. The finding comes from two reports just...

UNICEF to stockpile over half a billion syringes by year end, as part of efforts to prepare for eventual COVID-19 vaccinations

As the world awaits a COVID-19 vaccine, UNICEF has begun laying the groundwork for the rapid, safe and efficient delivery of the eventual vaccine by purchasing and pre-positioning syringes and other necessary equipment.

Corruption represents ‘ultimate betrayal’ of public trust: Guterres

The UN says that corruption is criminal, immoral and the ultimate betrayal of public trust....