World News

India Remains in Mourning for Gang Rape Victim

India remains in mourning Monday, two days after the death of a 23-year-old woman who died of severe organ failure after suffering internal injuries and brain damage in a brutal gang rape.

Will Humanity Have Any Future at All?

It was the same before the two world wars of the 20th Century: The preparations for the great war were going full blast, and everyone should have recognized the handwriting on the wall. But the masses of people were busy living their day-to-day lives...

Renowned US doctor appointed to support UN efforts to eliminate cholera in Haiti

A cholera treatment centre in Haiti.

UN peacekeeping mission in DR Congo warns M23 armed group over helicopter attacks

MONUSCO peacekeepers and FARDC elements on joint patrol in Bunagana, North Kivu, DRC, while a UN...