World News

North Korea Blames US, South for 'Cyber Attack'

After it suffered a two-day outage of all of its websites based in the country, North Korea is accusing the United States and South Korea of conducting a cyber attack against it.

Norway tops UN development rankings while Niger is placed last

UNDP Administrator Helen Clark (left) meets with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto in Mexico City before...

Obama, US Officials Reiterate All Options Open on Iran

U.S. President Barack Obama has reiterated his determination to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. Mr. Obama and U.S. officials also spoke about broad objectives of his visit to Israel, the West Bank and Jordan next week.

Prince of Wales visits with Syrian refugees at UN camp in Jordan

Britain's Prince Charles (second left) is briefed by UNHCR's Paul Stromberg during a tour of...