
NASA Satellite Data Show Air Pollution Decreases over Southwest U.S. Cities

On March 19, California was one of the first states to set mandatory stay-at-home restrictions in an attempt to slow the spread of COVID-19. Arizona and Nevada followed suit around April 1. The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on board NASA's Aura...

Delta Scuti stars reveal some of their secrets

The Delta Scuti-star beta Pictoris.

New Comet Discovered by ESA and NASA Solar Observatory

New Comet Discovered by ESA...

NASA’s TESS Enables Breakthrough Study of Perplexing Stellar Pulsations

Sound waves bouncing around inside a star cause it to expand and contract, which results in detectable brightness...

Aeolus goes public

Understanding Earth’s winds

SOFIA Finds Clues Hidden in Pluto’s Haze

Still image from an animation illustrating Pluto passing in front of a star during an...

A bent bridge between two galaxy clusters

Bridge between galaxy...

NASA Airborne Science Interns Gathering Data at Home

SARP intern Gabriela Vidad, a physics major from Adelphi University in New York, takes an air sample near her home.