
The Air Force’s Plug-in Vehicle Fleet

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Silver Nanoparticles Produced in Iran from Forest Plants Extract


Nano Sorbents Able to Remove Pollutions Caused by Oil Derivatives


Biosenta Inc. Updates New Household Disinfectant Testing Results; It Kills 100% of a Broad Range of Deadly Molds, Fungi, Bacteria, and Viruses, Including Ebola and Enterovirus D68

Biosenta's new disinfectant has been proven in laboratory tests to be effective in killing 100% of potentially deadly molds and fungi, and a wide range of bacteria and viruses, on hard surfaces. According to U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC)...

A gut reaction

Virginia Walker (l) and Pranab Das have shown nanosilver could be causing issues with your gut.

Spiraling light, nanoparticles and insights into life’s structure

A twisted ribbon of cadmium telluride nanoparticles. University of Michigan engineering researchers have discovered that circularly...

LHCb observes two new baryon particles

A total of 42 VELO modules are used in the subdetector for LHCb, built by the Universities of Glasgow and Liverpool

Spooky Alignment of Quasars Across Billions of Light-years

New observations with ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile have revealed alignments over the largest structures ever...