Brightness-equalized quantum dots improve biological imaging
Left: Conventional fluorescent materials like quantum dots and dyes have mismatched brightness between different colors. When these...
A necklace of fractional vortices
A route to a time-reversal symmetry-broken state for d-wave superconductors is shown to occur via the formation of a necklace of fractional...
Scientists found a natural nanostructure to control the flow of light
An illustration of optical catenaries for the OAM generation. When a light beam incident on the catenary structures, orbital angular...
Production of High Temperature Ceramics with Modified Properties in Iran
Horizontal magnetic tunneling in a field-effect device integrated on Silicon
New Nanomaterials Taking Research to Mexico, Possibly into Space
A National Science Foundation grant of $410,000 will help Hirst and Ghosh study the fundamental physics behind the capsules that form when the two materials are combined.
Berkeley Lab to Investigate Link between Thirdhand Smoke and Cancer
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) researchers have been awarded $1.3 million for two sets of studies to better understand the health impacts of thirdhand smoke, the noxious residue that clings to virtually all indoor surfaces long...
NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows on Today's Mars
New findings from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) provide the strongest evidence yet that liquid water flows intermittently on present-day Mars.