
Treatment of Damaged Heart Tissues by Nanochains Containing Protein

Iranian researchers from Tehran University of Medical Sciences in association with American researchers succeeded in the production of...

Production of Graphene Oxide Nanosheets to Economize Fuel Cells


U.S. Demonstrates Production of Fuel for Missions to the Solar System and Beyond

This self-portrait of NASA's Mars rover Curiosity combines dozens of exposures taken by the rover's Mars Hand Lens Imager (...

Radar Images of a Christmas-Eve Asteroid: An Early Gift for Astronomers

These images of an asteroid 3,600 feet (1,100 meters) long were taken on Dec. 17 (left) and Dec. 22 by scientists using...

Properties, Quality of Edible Oils Improved by Special Nanocapsules


Application of Nanostructures; New Approach to Increase Efficiency, Decrease Cost of Solar Cells


Application of Nanostructures; New Approach to Increase Efficiency, Decrease Cost of Solar Cells

The research was carried out at laboratorial scale, and nanostructures were synthesized through a simple and economic method with the ability to be mass produced.

Properties, Quality of Edible Oils Improved by Special Nanocapsules

The effectiveness of antioxidant compounds increases in this research due to the loading of olive tree leaf extract inside the designed nanocapsules. As a result, the quality of the edible oil improves.