
'Hot' electrons don't mind the gap: Rice University scientists find nanogaps in plasmonic gold wires enhance voltage when excited

Rice University scientists discovered that 'hot' electrons can create a photovoltage about a thousand times larger than ordinary...

A Lot of Galaxies Need Guarding in This NASA Hubble View


"Iceball" Planet Discovered through Microlensing


A New Angle on Two Spiral Galaxies for Hubble’s 27th Birthday

When the Hubble Space Telescope launched aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery on April...

Making Batteries From Waste Glass Bottles: UCR researchers are turning glass bottles into high performance lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles and personal electronics

Even with the recycling programs, billions of glass bottles end up in landfills every year, prompting the researchers to ask whether silicon dioxide in waste beverage bottles could provide high purity silicon nanoparticles for lithium-ion batteries....

Potentially Habitable Super-Earth is a Prime Target for Atmospheric Study


Hubble Spots Possible Venting Activity on Europa


ALMA Captures Dramatic Stellar Fireworks

Stellar explosions are most often associated with supernovae, the spectacular deaths of stars. But new ALMA observations provide...