Morning Frost Discovered on Mars, Scientists Hope to Unveil Water Secrets



Recently, scientists have detected morning frost for the first time on the massive volcanoes near Mars’ equator. This unexpected discovery provides new insights into the distribution of water on Mars and could significantly impact future human space exploration missions. The related research has been published in the journal Nature Geoscience.

The morning frost was clearly visible in images of Mars taken by the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Trace Gas Orbiter. These frost formations were found on the Tharsis plateau near Mars’ equator, including on the towering Olympus Mons and other volcanic peaks and craters. This finding confirms that local atmospheric circulation around Mars’ giant volcanoes plays a crucial role in the exchange of water between the Martian surface and atmosphere.

Studies indicate that the morning frost forms when winds on the sides of the volcanoes carry moist surface air to higher altitudes, where it condenses in the cold temperatures. Using meteorological models, scientists discovered that these frosts are composed of water rather than carbon dioxide. They estimate that about 150,000 tons of water ice may form on the Tharsis volcanoes, exchanging daily between the surface and atmosphere during the Martian cold season.

Frederic Schmidt, a professor at Paris-Saclay University, emphasized that these frosts could be vital for future Mars missions, as they can be converted into water for human use or separated into oxygen and hydrogen for rocket fuel. These discoveries are not only significant for understanding the presence and movement of water on Mars but also potentially crucial for finding signs of life on the planet.

While water on Mars primarily exists as ice or vapor, this discovery proves that frost can form even in tropical regions. This will help scientists gain a more comprehensive understanding of the water dynamics on Mars, further unveiling the secrets of the Red Planet.