IT Management Slideshow: IT Professionals Wanted, But Hard to Find


Do you feel as if it's a challenge to find entry-level IT hires who can enter your workplace with the basic level of professionalism that the job requires? You're not alone.

York College of Pennsylvania surveyed 520 HR professionals and other hiring managers to find out what they're looking for in the college graduates they hire. While a level of technical prowess is assumed, it's the intangible qualities that can influence a hiring manager's decision. Respondents define professionalism as: showing courtesy and respect, having the ability to communicate, exhibiting good listening skills, and having an appropriate appearance and grooming.

Sounds like pretty basic stuff for those of us who have been in the game for a while. But you'll be surprised to learn just how many hiring managers find these basic levels of professionalism lacking. And, be sure to check back later this week when we take a look at more opinions employers have on today’s entry-level IT workforce.

Source: CIO Insight