Las Vegas Tax Preparer Indicted by Federal Grand Jury for Preparing False Tax Returns for Clients


A Las Vegas tax return preparer was indicted Wednesday on 66 counts of preparing and causing the filing of false tax returns, Acting Assistant Attorney General Caroline D. Ciraolo of the Justice Department’s Tax Division and U.S. Attorney Daniel G. Bogden of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Nevada announced on April 9.

According to the allegations in the indictment, Rosherral Beverly, of Clark County, Neveda, operated a tax preparation and bookkeeping business named RBTB Inc. From approximately 2006 through 2011, Beverly was RBTB Inc.’s sole owner and tax return preparer. Beverly aided and assisted in preparing false and fraudulent tax returns for her clients for the tax years 2008, 2009 and 2010. The tax returns included various false items, including charitable contributions, gambling losses, tuition deductions, education credits and job, travel and vehicle expenses.

An indictment merely alleges that crimes have been committed, and the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Source: U.S. Department of Justice