Kidney-transplant ring exposed in China


A kidney-trafficking gang has been busted in a Chinese city and its ringleader, who was housing kidney-sellers in a residential complex, has been arrested.

Police rescued all the 28 individuals who were staying in the residential complex in Hangzhou city, Shanghai Daily reported.

The gang found sellers at railway stations, took them to a hospital for physical examination and provided them accommodations as they waited for kidney-removal surgery.

The man, identified as Dong Ge, was apprehended in Changsha, capital of Hunan province, said Wang Jun, a police official.

According to a report by a news portal, nearly 30 young men, either in debt or wanting to make quick money, were waiting for surgery and payment of 35,000 yuan (about $5,500) for a kidney.

One of the rescued men, surnamed Ji, said he sold his kidney to buy a motorbike. Another person, surnamed Li, said he had to collect money to compensate his co-worker in an accident settlement.

Source: Asia Pacific News.Net