Prostate cancer may be encouraged by heavy milk consumption


Experts at the Harvard School of Public Health have found that excessive milk consumption can increase the risk of prostate cancer.

The research, published in The Prostate journal, has found that men who drank four 200 ml glasses of milk per day had double the risk of the disease.

Professor Walter Willett, chairman of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, has said apart from the lactose intolerance in Europeans, caused by the lack of a gene that produces the enzyme lactase, which breaks down the milk sugar lactose, scientists have now discovered that milk products are likely to cause prostate harm to some people.

Willett has said that many studies have shown a relation between high milk intake and risk of fatal or metastatic prostate cancer, explained by the fact that a high intake increases blood levels of the IGF-1 growth-promoting hormone.

He said milk contains cow hormones, including insulin-like Growth Factor 1, which helps encourage growth and may help to feed prostate cancer and, to a lesser extent, ovarian cancer.

Source: Myanmar News.Net