Statement by President Tajani on US steel and aluminium duties


Statement by the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, on the imposition of US duties on imports of steel and aluminium from Europe:

“I am very disappointed with the US decision to impose duties on steel and aluminium imports from Europe. These are unilateral and unjustified measures that will do serious harm to workers, industry and consumers on both sides of the Atlantic.

“The European Union is ready to defend the interests of its citizens with all the means at its disposal. The European Parliament will play a full role in defending legitimate European interests.

“European workers and companies in the sector have a tradition of quality and excellence, and are at the forefront of research and innovation. We have a duty to safeguard this extraordinary human, economic and technological capital, and we will do so with determination.

“The history of international trade teaches us that protectionism is a negative sum game, that suits no one and only risks triggering trade wars that are harmful to everyone.

“The European Union plays by the rules. We will continue to promote open markets with all relevant partners on an equal footing, with high standards of worker protection, safety, consumer protection and intellectual property.”

Source: European Parliament