NTU Statement on the Delay of Obamacare Tax Increases


National Taxpayers Union (NTU) President Pete Sepp released the following statement on Jan 23, 2018 in response to the delay of three major Obamacare taxes included in the Continuing Resolution to fund the government through February 8th.

“Despite the headlines in the national media depicting which political parties are the “winners and losers” in the latest government shutdown in Washington, it is clear that here the biggest winners are America’s taxpayers. We applaud the work of members of Congress on both sides of the aisle who voted to delay the so-called Cadillac tax on high-value health care plans, the tax on medical devices, and the health insurance tax. These taxes collectively would have drained tens of billions of dollars from the pockets of taxpayers, small business owners, and prominent employers, all while driving up health care costs for millions of Americans.

Coming on the heels of of the most transformative tax relief and reform package in 30 years, pro-taxpayer lawmakers in this Congress are making the future much brighter for the everyday people who pay government’s bills. Going forward, elected officials should concentrate on eliminating other Obamacare tax threats already in effect, such as the investment surtax and the deceptively named ‘branded prescription drug fee’ that really just hurts consumers. NTU and its members are ready and willing to tackle these and other fiscal policy challenges in 2018.”

Source:National Taxpayers Union