Swaziland to Scale-up its Capacity to Improve Service Delivery

World Bank approves $25 million for public sector performance


The Government of Swaziland’s efforts to improve its public sector performance on January 12 got a boost following the approval of $25 million by the World Bank Group Board of Executive Directors. The financing will help Swaziland strengthen its institutions and improve the performance of key ministries which provide critical services to the public.

The Public Sector Performance Project will support selected ministries, departments and agencies, including Ministries of Education, Health, Public Works and Transport through the strengthening of human and public resources management and use of data.  In line with Swaziland’s Program of Action 2013–2018, the project aims at improving the effective use of human and financial resources in order to deliver quality public services and to contribute to prudent fiscal management. These Ministries have been targeted due to having a high share of civil servants as well as use of public resources to deliver critical services.

 “By seeking to improve the public sector performance, the Government of Swaziland will enhance its ongoing broader reforms for efficient management and distribution of its resources in order to improve the quality of service delivery and the lives of the people of Swaziland. With this project the World Bank is committed to its goals to reduce poverty and promote shared prosperity for the poorest people,” said Ivan Velev, the World Bank Acting Country Director for Swaziland.

In addition, the project will provide technical assistance in the form of knowledge sharing on best practices. Other components of the project include improving procurement services, boosting statistical capacity, policy planning and coordination which are critical to decision-making process.

“To sustain the effects of this project, the proposed capacity building will engage critical national institutions such as Swaziland Institute of Management and Public Administration, which provides training and policy research for the entire Government, the Institute of Development Management, and University of Swaziland,” said World Bank Senior Public Sector Specialist for Swaziland, Barbara Magezi Ndamira.

This project will be implemented alongside other donor funded programs supporting improvements in public financial management. This includes the European Union funded Swaziland integrated financial management information system TA project and IMF African Technical Assistance south (AFRTAC–S) program for improving cash management.    

Source: World Bank