World Bank Statement on Second Municipal Improvement Project in FYR Macedonia


The Second Municipal Services Improvement Project (MSIP2) for FYR Macedonia was approved by the World Bank Board of Executive Directors on January 11, 2016. All further decisions related to effectiveness and implementation are made by World Bank management according to World Bank policies and procedures. This includes an initial decision by Management to delay effectiveness by several months to avoid implementation in an immediate pre-election environment in municipalities.

With changing electoral timing in the country, World Bank management has revised its decision to allow municipalities to take advantage of the 2016 construction season to implement basic infrastructure investments. The decision was taken with municipalities and their citizens in mind, since MSIP2 will finance local level projects aimed at improving basic infrastructure, with an objective to enhance transparency, financial sustainability, and inclusive delivery of targeted municipal services.

The first MSIP Project of EUR 18.9 million was approved on March 26, 2009 and complemented by additional financing by the World Bank in 2012 ( EUR 37.2 million) and, recently, by Instrument for Pre-Accession grants by the European Union (EUR 15.5 million), specifically to support a Rural Investment Window.

All municipalities are eligible and encouraged to participate in the project. MSIP2 has an increased focus on investing in poorer communities within participating municipalities. The World Bank is reaching out across the country to ensure participation of all municipalities, with support for their preparation of technically sound proposals. We look forward to participation of all municipalities, with a special focus on poorer communities within these municipalities, as implementation of MSIP2 proceeds.

Source: World Bank