Continued decline in OECD fisheries production erodes trade share, while Asia grows strongly


Fisheries production in OECD countries has declined by more than 39% since 1988 as overfishing reduces the productive capacity of the resource, according to a new OECD report.

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At the same time, 2014 marked the first year that aquaculture production became a bigger source of fish products for consumers than capture fisheries, as aquaculture continues to grow at more than seven percent per year. Asian economies are increasingly the centre of gravity of fish production, consumption and trade, a trend that has been accelerating in recent years.

The OECD Review of Fisheries provides updated statistics and information on developments in policies and activities in the fishing and aquaculture sectors of OECD countries and partner economies.

The 2015 edition contains new chapters on China and Indonesia, two countries that alone account for nearly a quarter of global fish harvests.

Economic growth in China has been driving an increase in consumption of fisheries products. Per capita consumption in China’s cities rose from 10.34 kg in 2000 to 14.62 kg in 2011. China is now simultaneously the largest marine fisheries producer, the largest aquaculture producer and the largest net exporter of fish products.

“The solution to restarting growth in OECD fisheries is improved management,” said Roger Martini, Senior Fisheries Analyst at the OECD. “This is an area where countries have been making some progress, but much more remains to be done before all OECD fish stocks are fully recovered. The new Common Fisheries Policy of the European Union puts great emphasis on sustainability, and the United States has demonstrated that a strong, science-based approach can bring results.”

Fish products are the most highly-traded of all food commodities, with more than 37% of all fish produced crossing a border at some point. The 31 countries and economies covered in the Review are a diverse group, but together account for nearly all of global production and trade of fish products.

Source: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development