Budget MEPs approve extra €401.3 million for migration in 2015 budget


Budget MEPs on Monday endorsed the Commission's proposal for new funds of €330.7 million and a redeployment of €70.6 million in commitment appropriations to cope with the refugee crisis. At the same time, the committee said a long-term solution to finance migration measures must be found when the EU's multiannual budget is reviewed in 2016.

A mother carries her eight-month old son towards the village of Sikaminea in Lesbos after arriving on the shores of the island in an inflatable boat from Turkey.

The committee also voted to use a funding mechanism (Flexibility Instrument) available for unforeseen expenditure over and above the EU budget to finance €66.1 million of the commitment appropriations needed.

The extra funding helps implement the pledges of the European Council of 23 September. The Council adopted the proposed amendment to the 2015 EU budget (Draft Amending Budget (DAB) 7/2015) on 8 October.

The full House votes on DAB7/2015 and the mobilisation of the flexibility instrument on 14 October, given the need to make the funds available as quickly as possible.

The Commission proposed the following reinforcements of migration-related budget items in its DAB 7/2015:

● €100 million for the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and the Internal Security Fund (ISF) in commitment appropriations;

● €1.3 million in commitment and payment appropriations for 120 new posts at FRONTEX, EASO and Europol agencies; and

● €300 million in commitment appropriations for the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) to contribute to the Madad Trust Fund.

Source: European Parliament