Taxing Energy Use 2015 – OECD and Selected Partner Economies


A new OECD report, Taxing Energy Use 2015 – OECD and Selected Partner Economies. compares taxes on energy use in 41 countries worldwide, which together use 80% of global energy.

The new research presents a systematic, comparative analysis of the structure and level of energy taxes in the 34 OECD member countries and seven G20 partner economies: Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia and South Africa.

The report translates statutory tax rates into effective tax rates per unit of energy and per unit of carbon dioxide (CO2), for a wide range of energy types and uses. Country similarities and differences are highlighted using innovative graphical formats. In addition, the report presents graphical profiles of energy use and taxation in the seven partner countries.

Source: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development