EESC: Time for action – reviewed 2020 strategy needs to be implemented


Europe needs a vision and the political will to review and implement the 2020 strategy. The community method has to take centre stage at EU level, while at national level Member States need to implement the essential policies in partnership with civil society organisations.

The 505th plenary session of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) was dominated by discussion of the EU's economic and social future. In discussing the 2020 strategy, Guntram Wolff, director of the European think tank Bruegel, called for the implementation of a competitiveness framework at EU level, not least to hold wage divergence in check. Commenting on the Annual Growth Survey 2015, EESC rapporteur Gonçalo Lobo Xavier noted: "At European as well as at national level we have to work on more goal-oriented policies. The European social partners and civil society are part of the solution. We are ready to contribute and to make compromises, provided these are sustainable ones that help Europeans back into good-quality jobs."

The EESC regrets the absence of a public pillar in the Commission's Investment Plan and again asserts the necessity of promoting a social economy that has the potential to become an important third pillar in Europe's economy.

While the EESC is in favour of budget consolidation, it argues that growth is impossible without public and private investment: "Even in times of financial crises, you cannot cut corners when it comes to education, research and innovation, and sustainable investment," said Etele Barath. The EESC wants to see reforms implemented that take account of the situation of individual Member States. Indicators and benchmarks need to cover more than just GDP and EU funding should be linked to national reform programmes. The European Semester must have a greater focus on competitiveness and Member States need to be strengthened in their commitment, for example by setting mandatory deadlines. Fiscal integration also needs to be intensified and the fight against fraught and tax evasion stepped up.

Source: European Economic and Social Committee