Burkina Faso: World Bank Approves Additional Funds to Expand Access to Clean Water in Ouagadougou


The World Bank Group’s Board of Executive Directors Monday approved a new US$80 million grant from the International Development Association (IDA*) to help Burkina Faso expand access to clean water and sanitation services for the poor in the urban communities surrounding the capital city of Ouagadougou.

The additional financing will be used to scale-up components of the ongoing Burkina Faso Urban Water Sector Project (UWSP).

Approved by the Board in 2009, the UWSP has already achieved key development results including providing 434,000 additional people access to piped water and 403,000 additional people access to improved sanitation services. The urban water sector reform supported by the project is also being successfully implemented. The operational management capacity has substantially improved and the National Water and Sanitation Agency (Office National de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement - ONEA) is today ranked among the top performing water utilities in Sub-Saharan Africa.

“Working together with ONEA the UWSP project has made great achievements in increasing the distribution of clean water to urban areas, however Ouagadougou’s recent population growth has created unanticipated challenges in providing water to its residents—many of whom are low-income families,” said Mercy Tembon, World Bank Country Manager for Burkina Faso. “It’s additional financing will build on the original project’s positive momentum by helping to improve the city’s water transmission/distribution system which is vital to expanding capacity to provide clean water for both new and existing customers.”

The scaling up of the UWSP activities will enable the country to benefit roughly 1.1 million people living in urban areas and informal settlements around Ouagadougou. In particular this additional financing will focus on developing the water distribution system to improve quality of service and make clean water available to previously underserved areas. It will help finance the construction of secondary and tertiary water distribution pipes and about 26,000 water service connections and 80 public standpipes.

“The additional financing will help build new water transmission lines, storage tanks and pumping stations to make clean water available throughout Ouagadougou, providing almost 760,000 people with access to improved water sources,” said Matar Fall World Bank Task Team Leader for this project. “It will also promote access to water for informal settlements where, until recently, water services were not provided.”

Source: World Bank