EP's LinkedIn group: the debates that got people talking in 2014


“The EU should simply stay away from the Ukraine.” ”The EU cannot stay away from Ukraine.” “Europe and the US need Russia’s market and sanctions are not an option.” ...Discussions by our LinkedIn group always lead to lively debates. As 2014 draws to a close it’s time to look back at some of the year's most popular discussions on the Parliament's LinkedIn group, which boasts 14,000 members and hosted more than 650 discussions in 2014 alone.

The EP's LinkedIn group is a popular platform for discussing EU issues.

Ahead of the first meeting of the eighth European Parliament, LinkedIn members discussed the EU’s role in the world at large and the balancing act of democracy versus stability in regions such as Ukraine and Egypt.

In fact, the situation in Ukraine has been a recurring hot topic in our LinkedIn group, focusing on sanctions against Russia and the broader international impact of the Ukraine crisis.

This being an election year, the European elections and the Parliament’s vote on the new Commission was also high on the agenda for our LinkedIn members.

Not all countries are equally good at following the euro zone's fiscal rules. Are some countries exempt while others are punished? Some LinkedIn users suggest so. Join the discussion.

Some former MEPs find our LinkedIn group a good way to discuss current events, such as Vital Moreira, law professor and former chair of the international trade committee, who discussing the single market and tax dumping.

Source: European Parliament