OECD and National Bureau of Economic Research Conference on Productivity Growth and Innovation in the Long Run.


Increasing productivity is critical to achieving strong, sustainable and inclusive growth and well-being. Technological change and innovation are the key drivers of increased productivity, along with better skills and organisational change.

Despite increasing investments in knowledge and innovation, productivity growth in many countries has been slowing in recent years, at the very moment that demographic trends, climate change and other challenges make the need for innovation even more urgent. What factors explain the productivity slowdown? What can OECD countries do to improve future prospects for productivity growth and innovation?

The OECD and the National Bureau of Economic Research will debate these questions and their policy implications during a two-day Conference on Productivity Growth and Innovation in the Long Run in Paris on 25-26 September.

The Conference will bring together distinguished academic experts on productivity and innovation, as well as policymakers from OECD countries. Speakers will include Robert Gordon (Professor of Social Sciences at Northwestern University), Nicholas Bloom (Professor of Economics at Stanford University) and Michael Greenstone (Energy Policy Institute).

Source: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development