OECD & G20 Anti-Corruption Conference, Rome, 11 June 2014 – open to media


The global fight against corruption has been a priority of the G20 for the past four years. To take stock of the impact to date and to discuss new approaches to address this challenge, the OECD and G20 will hold the Fourth Annual High-Level Conference on Corruption for G20 Governments and Business in Rome on Wednesday 11 June 2014. This event is open to media.

Participants will discuss progress in advancing the key elements of the global anticorruption agenda and the latest challenges facing countries, business and civil society. Sessions include:

Digging corruption out of the natural resources sectors: What new avenues for joint efforts?

Sweeteners in international contracts: Are "offsets" the new corruption threat?

Mechanisms to recognise companies’ compliance efforts: Do they work and can they be applied in all jurisdictions?

Tackling facilitation payments and solicitation: Can you say “no”?

Speakers will include: Andrea Orlando, Minister of Justice, Italy; Gabriela Ramos, Chief of Staff and Sherpa to the G20, OECD; Emma Marcegaglia, President, ENI; Drago Kos, Chair of the OECD Working Group on Bribery; Phil Edmands, Managing Director, Rio Tinto, Australia and Raffaele Cantone, President of the Italian National Anti-Corruption Authority for Evaluation and Transparency of Public Administrations.

Source: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development