Computer Programmers Join the “Code for Resilience” Hackathon to Enhance Vietnam’s Resilience to Natural Disasters


The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) and the World Bank, in collaboration with HATCH! PROGRAM, a leading entrepreneur community and social incubator in Vietnam, will host the global event: “Hackathon Code For Resilience” in Vietnam, with support from the Vietnam’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

With the slogan “Code For Vietnam, Hackathon Code For Resilience” aims to challenge local computer programmers, active environmentalist and global disaster risk management experts to come up with innovative software and hardware, addressing environment and disaster risk management issues such as flood, storm, typhoon, earthquake, etc. in Vietnam and in the world.

The Hackathon Code For Resilience takes place in 3 days, from May 09 to11, 2014, at the Department of Information and Communication Building, no. 1, Hoang Dao Thuy, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi. Deadline for individual or team (from 3 to 5 members) registration was May 06, 2014. At the hackathon, participants will have exactly 48 hours to work on their creative solutions.

Hackathon is a popular event, in which computer programmers and participants work together intensively in a short period of time to innovate or create software projects. In Vietnam, Hackathon aims to inspire and encourage participants to renovate the existing technology products or to create innovative applications to support social needs. Hackathon Code For Resilience is not an exception, but it uses a different approach. This event not only emphasizes the importance of technical assistance but also connect technology and environmental expert in addressing natural hazards resilience, including but not limited to risk identification, risk reduction and recovery.

Ms. Keiko Saito, World Bank Disaster Risk Management Specialist and the representative the Global Hackathon Code For Resilience organizing committee said: “Disaster risk management integration with the Hackathon is an opportunity to engage the local technology experts in developing technology solutions that are locally applicable and address emerging issues, which might have not received a lot of interest before.”

Vietnam ranked 26th in top countries that are vulnerable to climate change and natural disasters, according to Maplecroft Index 2013, a global disaster evaluation consulting firm in England. Thus, Code For Resilience - Code for Vietnam 2014 is highly acclaimed for integrating modern technology in solving social issues, as well as its connecting technology and environment experts.

On the first day, May 09, there is a 30-minute workshop, conducted by representatives from Vietnam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, on the disaster risk management and policies to forecast and respond to the natural disasters. Then, individual participants and team (from 3 to 5 members) do the pitch to create their dream team to work on a proposed software project for the next 48 coding hours, with the support from disaster risk management experts and hackathon mentors.

The Hackathon Code For Resilience takes place in Vietnam and nine other countries across Asia. The top 3 outstanding products will be submitted to the International Competition “Online Innovation Challenge, and gain an opportunity to join the 2014 Understanding Risk Conference in London (England) this July sponsored by the Organizing Committee.

Source: World Bank