UK Government funded £120 million for competiton for manufacturing supply chain companies


U.K. Minister for Business and Enterprise, Michael Fallon, opens Rounds 3 and 4 of the Advanced Manufacturing Supply Chain Initiative (AMSCI), a funding competition designed to improve the global competitiveness of UK advanced manufacturing supply chains. £120 million is available for rounds 3 and 4, and the competition is open to all organisations that are part of a manufacturing supply chain.

This funding is available to support research and development, skills training and capital investment. It will help UK supply chains achieve world-class standards and encourage major new suppliers to locate in the UK.

Michael Fallon said:

“I cannot stress enough the importance of developing strong supply chains if we want major manufacturers to invest in this county.”

“In the new rounds of AMSCI we will welcome applications from foreign investors who wish to establish or strengthen their manufacturing presence in the UK.”

Any international companies who are interested in bidding for AMSCI funds should contact UK Trade & Investment for advice or assistance.

Full competition details and information about the initiative including the Competition Brief and Guidance for Applicants can be found on the AMSCI helpline website .

There was high demand from companies in both Rounds 1 and 2 with a total funding in excess of £300 million. These successful bids will create and safeguard over 18,500 jobs. The successful projects from Round 2 were announced at the Manufacturing Summit in February 2013.

Source: U.K. Department for Business Innovation & Skills