Who Really Owns You? It Is Time for You To Think, Really-Part II
Chapter 3: Some needed descriptions.
What the Current Queen of England
Appears Not to WishYou to Know
I remind you, that the current fact is, that the Queen of England and the Saudi system, are among the joined exemplary elements among leading cases of members of an actually world empire which is fairly identified, presently, as a present world empire distinguished by roots originally planted since no later than ancient Rome. That much said, now take into account, again, the added common history of the murderous traitor Aaron Burr, and his henchmen, Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren, for examples.
Since a later time than their record presents, as added facts, all with rather slight interruptions, such as those of the most excellent, relatively recent Presidents such as Franklin Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy, the financial system of the United States has been dominated, most of its time, by the British empire's customary, and continuing predatory role, as in its top-down control over our United States' nation, through most among what had been the incumbent Presidencies, whether each were, in turn, great, good, or even very bad (such as George W. Bush, Jr., and, worst of all, the mass-murderously inclined Barack Obama).
However, that much taken into account, the essential feature of the presently global system of a monetarist tyranny which continues to dominate the United States through the role of a global monetarist system, is that of a system whose center of power has been, most nearly, the heritage of the presently British successor to the continuity which it shares with the nominally defunct, original Roman Empire. The existing, trans-Atlantic-centered "money system," serves as key-holder to what is, in fact, still presently, both a very dirty aspect of a very much real British empire, in fact, but also a very real Roman empire scarcely hidden within the British husk.
Within that virtual prison-yard of the nations which the British empire continues to represent as that current Anglo-Saudi interest which had launched both the original "9-11" murders against the citizens of the United States, and the expression of the same interest's role in the continuation of the self-same such practices still today, there still remains a tattered, but still specifically "American" system of resistance: a resistance inherent in the legacy which had been defined by the founding of our Constitutional republic, whenever that republic had exerted the power native to the intention expressed in the birth of our Federal Constitution, and, also, as in the legacy remaining from the tradition of the de facto, Seventeenth-century republic-in-fact which is represented today by the memory of the Massachusetts Bay Colony under the leadership of the Winthrops and Mathers, and consequently, their starring heir, Benjamin Franklin.
It is crucial for our purposes here, that the foundations of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in its Seventeenth-century heyday, were laid, essentially, as the legacy of the greatest scientific genius of the "Golden Renaissance" which is associated with that same Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa who, among his many other revolutionary achievements, had laid the foundations for all competent expressions of modern physical science, with, most emphatically, his De Docta Ignorantia.
It was the same Nicholas of Cusa, whose policies had inspired Christopher Columbus's essential intention in reaching the region of the Carribean, and the effects of Columbus' impact on the future of the great surge of what would include the unique accomplishment of the establishment of our United States of America.
The question which the immediately preceding paragraph here ultimately implies, is "What underlies the actual meaning of that American Revolution?" Where can the underlying "pay-dirt" of our republic be located?
The Roots of the American System
First of all, we do not exaggerate if and when we may claim to see a very special place for the role and destiny of our republic among all other nations. So, even despite those several evil Presidents and comparable scoundrels who have contrived to find a leading position in our republic's affairs, it must be taken into account, that, obviously, there are two most notable kinds of defects in the quality of the U.S. republic's, and also Europe's present functioning.
The most readily accessible evidence on this account, is the stink of corruption expressed by our republic's seemingly chronic pollution with the overreaching role of a British empire whose true origins exist only in its expression as bearing the legacy of the Roman Empire. All of the relevant, Europe-centered empires of the world have been, in fact, outgrowths of the same tradition as that of the original Roman Empire; the corruption of the United States (chiefly from London), had already been tainted in that same direction.
This fact, respecting the still extant, Roman origins of the British imperial system, is, still, the present juridical basis for the existence of that British empire which was established by the general, 1783 Treaty of Versailles, which provided the same context for the subsumed Peace of Paris signed directly with United States itself.
If we attend to the miraculous achievement of the U.S.A.'s original finance minister, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin protégé Hamilton had been, in fact, the greatest genius in his crafting of the greatest national economic policy ever visibly known to mankind. The notion of a credit system, instead of a monetarist system, had been the most urgent and vital reform of national economies in all presently known history since that time. All of the relevant failures of the United States' system throughout the full span of its existence to date, have been the consequence of the grave error of the recurring substitution of a monetarist system for a credit system.
Indeed, the one, most singular measure on which the continued existence of the United States now depends, is the return to Hamilton's principle of a credit system, instead of a money system launched in the name of such relevant figures as a soiled Thomas Jefferson acting under the influence of a British agent committed to the destruction of the United States, that being the same Aaron Burr who was the British controller (and virtual personal owner) of President Andrew Jackson.
Later, Abraham Lincoln's victory over that British slaveholding Confederacy's monetarist and slavery system, the system which had been launched fully, and officially under the successive, British-owned Presidencies of Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren, is to be remembered for Lincoln's contrasting model of the greenback system, a system which had snatched the safe existence of the United States by the means of President Abraham Lincoln's "Greenback system" of national credit, rather than submit to the mercenaries of European monetarism.
Jackson, a perennial stooge for that traitor and professional assassin Aaron Burr who was still a proprietor-in-fact of the Jackson Presidency, performed the specific function which Burr's arrangements assigned to the Presidency of both Jackson and that of van Buren, an arrangement employed for their looting of the government and people of the United States, in their time. That pair did so, by destroying the credit of the United States, all for the prominently presented intention of turning the United States into virtually a mere victim of the British empire. Exactly that was done, to a large degree, as the result of an operation conducted from London, via the region of New York City and the swindlers in Massachusetts.
That is the crucial point in fact which must be made clear in this report's present chapter. That subject is currently the indispensable basis for rescuing the people of the United States from a mass-murderous, present form of destruction of the physical economy of the United States and willful, Wall Street-steered, effectively increasing rates of economic mass murder among the present great majority of our citizens, all that on behalf of Wall Street and its minions.
Uniquely American: The Credit System
Few among our professional economists, presently, have even the slightest competence in respect to the essentially requisite principles of a national economy. The problem here, is not that our citizens are stupid in these matters; the fact is that most of them are, simply, actually incompetent respecting a very specific matter: their widespread, specific ignorance respecting the threat from our deadliest adversary, the British-empire-dominated, and global, monetarist system.
Whereas, a still productively inclined, but diminishing portion of our citizens have now virtually lost all actual competence over the direction of the economic affairs of our republic. Our republic is currently at the point that the citizenry still attempts to explain, especially to themselves, their own, actually foolish, efforts to derive an increase in national per-capita wealth from popular indoctrinations in the role of the mind-control exerted over even the minds of nearly all among our citizens. That is a popular opinion which is rooted and controlled by blind faith in the presumption that the true origin of wealth lies only within the oligarchical province of money per se.
The Hamilton Factor
The extraordinarily brilliant, and consummately creative Alexander Hamilton, had acted to the effect of rescuing the United States from that national bankruptcy which immediately threatened the very continued existence of the United States from the start of its national victory. Anyone who does not recognize that, is no true statesman. Hamilton's action had rescued the threatened young U.S. republic from an immediately threatened resumption of the virtual British captivity of the U.S. population, as under the direction by Wall Street presently.
The U.S.A. was enabled, through the adoption of Hamilton's measures, to avoid, for a time, a renewed captivity to that British empire from which we had just escaped by our American-led victory of the United States. That escape, secured by Hamilton's role as the economics genius of the first Administration of President George Washington, had freed the United States from the threatened, ruinous, monetarist ideology intended to be imposed upon our republic. This role by Hamilton, and only this, enabled the United States to continue even to exist in its original constitutional terms, whereas the policies of even grouchy President John Adams and the largely indifferent, and systemically incompetent, and "slippery" President Thomas Jefferson, had allowed our republic's enemy, the British agent Aaron Burr, to run amok, despite all of the known, wicked offenses of Burr.
The same Jefferson who repeatedly played crony to the traitor Aaron Burr, and who had failed our nation so recklessly in his promoting Burr, thus destroyed, for a certain time, much of what had been repeatedly shown to have been the uniquely competent, and necessary, policies of Alexander Hamilton; as Hamilton's intentions had, later, been adopted in the expression of the wonderful achievements of both President James Monroe, and his immediate successor, the great genius, and the most persistent and ultimately most effective national leader of his own time as our nation's leader, John Quincy Adams.
At that point in time, the enemy of the United States, the British agent Aaron Burr appeared on the surface yet again, this time in his role as the chief of the responsible British agents in both the creation and the control of the Presidency of Andrew Jackson.
Simply said, the economy of our nation presently still depends, economically and otherwise, on the fostering of the rising productive powers of labor, a gain achieved uniquely, as ultimately, through science-driven progress in the accelerating development of the productive powers of labor. That is, indeed, the only policy of national practice which is not assuredly idiotic in its intrinsic nature, as also in its innate consequences.
A monetarist policy is always clinically insane in its inherently ultimate effects, just as the U.S. has experienced the fact of that effect under the most regrettable choices of Presidents George W. Bush, Jr. and Barack Obama. The ruined years since the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and of his very important brother Robert, attest to the evidence of this, in fact. Nonetheless, this republic of ours had then never fully escaped from the downward trajectory of that particular form of monetarist trend which has reigned, almost consistently, since the death of President Franklin Roosevelt and the assassination of Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt's choice, President John F. Kennedy.
And are some among you here, still so foolish as to believe that monetarism is good for you?
The Wider Consequences of the Same
The virtually either criminal insanity, or something similar, of Mr. Bernanke's (and others') queasy practice of "quantitative easing," demands an immediate form of relief which could not be provided without special means of indispensable qualities of corrective consideration at this time. In fact, that practice of Bernanke himself, et al., represents, in the effect of what he has done, what has been an inherently criminal practice, both in respect to even the simply national interest of our people, and in respect to crucially important matters of international affairs. "Quantitative easing" is merely an inveterate swindler's name for a perpetually terminal state of hyperinflation, one now entering a phase comparable to the panic-phase of Weimar Germany's hyperinflation.
The fact that monetarist beliefs are systemically insane in their inherent quality, obviously does not really exonerate any kind of practice of such implicitly criminal beliefs as those; they are beliefs in practice which belong, for classification, to the category of the greatest magnitude of known frauds, or worse crimes, ever known to mankind, even simply as a matter of fact respecting the inherent consequences of that practice.
Meanwhile, the fact that some governments, such as sometimes our own, may have engaged in such foolish practices from time to time, does not remove them from the category of the guilt of inherently fraudulent practices actually intended against the general welfare of both our own and other nations. If we wish to be truly generous, we might let the monetarist culprits off with either their proverbial bare skins, or as much as what might be barely sufficient to cover over that which is the most unsightly.
In former times, in its variety among human cultures, mankind has been confronted with the inalienable obligation to increase the special quality of fertility which the human species has secured, uniquely, through the increase of the productive powers of labor.
This requirement is implicitly universal respecting the universal obligation to promote society's practice of aggressive increases of the net effect of the productive form of labor, directly, or indirectly, as the case may dictate. The principal channel of choice for this practice, the proper technical term for this purpose, is the increase of the effective energy-flux density of the application of labor, an obligation which includes the Creator's command delivered to mankind, to progress to higher qualities of human society's productive powers of labor, per capita, a rising rate of that density of productivity, the which is specifically inherent in the systematic increase of the energy-flux density both of modes of human labor generally, and in related respects.
For example. Presently, we are also being confronted with the increasing urgency of programs and measures which are required for the accelerated increase of the productive powers of labor. Consider this as in respect to such considerations as including the need to defend us from the threats from asteroids and also comets, a need for defense which now requires very-high rates of increase of applied energy-flux density for the use of mankind on Earth. Indeed, even the ability of society to maintain a minimal level of per-capita productivity, demands an endlessly continuing increase of the physically defined, productive powers of human labor: i.e., scientific progress measured in terms of increases of the application of thermonuclear-fusion and still higher "energy-flux densities" globally and beyond.
Captain John Smith had rightly required, taking into account consideration of his place and time, that the product of the needed productive powers of labor must be obligatory for those who are able. That was a simple approach to the matter at hand, then. But a more suitable consequence, such as a benefit for and within society, is clearly fitting. The underlying principle, then, as to be as applied to the threats of asteroids and comets, should be evident.
Chapter 4: The Present Future of The Human Species
Now, Next
The known history of those former, or presently living species which have inhabited Earth, as at one time, or another, includes my choice of a categorical distinction of the actually human species from all other, previously, or presently known varieties of species. In the main, whether directly, or, indirectly, all of those species have a presently relatively greater, or lesser degree of dependency upon that which our human species does, or, in the alternative, does not do. For certain reasons, that pattern will appear for the present time, as never to change as a matter of principle, but that will tend to remain for as long as mankind is enabled to continue to inhabit both Earth, and also relevant other parts of the Solar system.
We of our human species, represent a "super-species," to be defined so as one which is inherently endowed with an already demonstrated, voluntary power for creating, willfully, the elements of ultimately virtually limitless evolutionary progress in our species' willful power to effect categorically useful transformations, upward, done preferably as chiefly willfully, in our nature.
That defines the most essential of the possible issues of evolutionary progress to be considered here. I mean the voluntary power of the human species to evolve into becoming qualitatively higher forms of practiced existence, as through the essential distinction of the noëtic nature of the human mind. It is the political implications to be associated, thus, with the human species, as I shall have presented an argument to such an effect, in opening this present chapter.
Therefore, the time has now come, to consider what is next for mankind, provided the presently widespread lust for foolishness does not prevent our species' continued existence.
The presently, relatively fresh reminder of the distinction of those specifically human noëtic powers called "creativity," is prompted for us from a consideration of the implications of mankind's relatively recent capabilities for attaining communications required for the placement of controlled devices on objects within nearby space (and beyond), and for the somewhat distant prospect of becoming an actively living presence of mankind on Mars, and also required increasing prospects for control over such destinations as asteroids to be found in the reach of the regions of betwixt the orbits of Earth and Mars. The time when mankind had superseded a landing on, and return from the Moon, by similar achievements with asteroids and Mars, marks a profound change from what are ostensibly the previous limits for defining what "man" had meant to represent as "man on Earth."
The present fact, that such changes in the very definition of the meaning of "human species," have been now "touched" (so to speak), foretells the necessary arrival of a qualitative change in even the very meaning of the notion of mankind.
To speak of what must presently be considered as temporary obstacles to mankind's role within the bounds of certain qualities to be found in nearby space, the prospective openings for achievements are now already foreseeable as both practical and with vast practical implications for us within our present part of the Solar system. We may, in fact, treat such a prospective potency of our species as if it were a matter of implicitly accomplished possibilities, in principle, for mankind presently. The impetus which this outlook supplies to our immediate prospects for mankind's inhering, clearly potential powers as a species, already supplies us with the basis for confidence in the prospects for mankind's advances toward necessary actions to be counted as prospects for important steps into what is, so to speak, "space."
The presently existing imperatives for "defense of Earth" are sufficient qualifications for reactivating the now foolishly neglected NASA perspectives, including addressing the immediate implications for the notion of "man in space" as an assuredly present capability in immediate view. That is the limit which I impose upon myself, for relatively immediate purposes of suggested national and global policy-planning.
To place those just-stated, typical prospects within the future history of the progress of our human species, we need only begin our investigations by reviewing the history of mankind's distinctive nature as a species. Man is "the fire-bringer." Mankind's origins as a "fire-bringer," have now passed simply nuclear fission, into the domains of both thermonuclear fusion and what have been named, since Albert Einstein's work, as "matter/anti-matter" potencies. Thermonuclear fusion, when arranged in an appropriate way, brings the reasonable access of man to, and return from Mars, as a visibly prospective, if somewhat still distant level of achievement. Higher-order capabilities of unmanned means for important investigations conducted at great distances within the Solar system, have already entered the category of higher order means for useful purposes.
All that I wish to accomplish of these already stated accounts, here, are being brought forth by me presently, to provide a suitable prospective for preparing the realization of greater goals ahead.
The principle so implied, is that mankind is capable of becoming a master of accomplishments beyond the presently imagined limits of what mankind must, even soon, reach during a not-really-distant future. Think of what is demonstrated on such an account, as a mere span of four generations, such as that of the Nineteenth, or Twentieth centuries. Translate even those relatively mediocre goals accomplished within the span of the recent four centuries of progress in physical science (and also the frequent retrogressions). These facts duly considered, what is, then, the truly intrinsic distinction of man from beast, other than cumulatively great leaps in human progress?
source: Executive Intelligence Review
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