Research and analysis on British youth unemployment: review of training for young people with low qualifications


British young people with low or no qualifications make up 39% of all young people unemployed and not in education, and 47% of those inactive and outside learning, despite only accounting for a quarter of the youth population. People with higher qualifications are more likely to be employed, and earn more, than those with lower qualifications. For these reasons, active labour market policies for young people have tended to focus on training (often alongside employment subsidies, work experience and support with looking for work). However successive evaluations found mixed results for training programmes

This paper reviews research on how effective training programmes are in raising qualifications and skills of people who are out work. It specifically looks at how effective training programmes targeted at increasing the employment and skills of young people who are not in learning or work and who have low or no skills.

It explains what lessons can be learnt from previous programmes. It makes recommendations on designing future training programme for low-skilled and out-of-work young people aged 19-24.

Source: GOV.UK