Greek electors favour Eurozone candidate


The political parties supporting austerity measures for Greece are now more likely to take control of the country.


Exit poll forecasts suggest New Democracy, the Greek centre-left party, will be asked to form government in Greece, with coalition partners.

New Democracy has received around 30 percent of the vote, while SYRIZA, its main rival, has come a very close second.

SYRIZA had vowed to disregard an austerity deal that had been made with other EU countries and the IMF, which would have precipitated the return of the drachma and sent world markets reeling.

PASOK, the party expected to be New Democracy's coalition ally received between 11-12.5% of the popular vote.

The Golden Dawn party, whose right-wing leader is regarded as anti-Jewish, received around 7%.

The prediction is that New Democracy and PASOK will receive 159 seats in the 300 seat parliament.

A win by the coalition means Greece will become committed to a 130 billion euro EU/IMF bailout.

Source: Europe News.Net