Farmers in England begin receiving payments today for 2019


From 2nd Decembe farmers and land managers across England will start receiving their 2019 Basic Payment Scheme money.

All payments are made directly to bank accounts via BACS transfer so farmers should make sure the RPA has the most up-to-date account details. Once a payment has been made a remittance advice is sent in the post, confirming the amount paid. Claim statements will also be sent, explaining how payments have been worked out.

For 2019 all eligible Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship agreement holders will start receiving one full payment against their claim for the environmental work they do, rather than having this in two payments. Farmers and land managers are paid for the work they do for the environment under these schemes – from providing habitats for wildlife to reducing the risk of flooding through natural flood management strategies.

Source: GOV.UK
