Investors Partner with World Bank to Highlight Vital Role of Ocean and Fresh Water Resources
The World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; IBRD) has raised more than US$660 million in Sustainable Development Bonds highlighting the critical role of ocean and water resources. Specifically, the World Bank focused on two Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): SDG 14 (life below water) and SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation).
A range of institutional and retail investors globally have supported the initiative since it was launched in August. Ten bonds in five currencies have been issued under the initiative to date, with tenors ranging from 2 to 43 years. Investors all voiced strong support for the strategic focus on SDG 14 and SDG 6. The World Bank will continue to issue bonds under the initiative as part of a strategic effort to highlight SDG 14 and SDG 6.
Freshwater and marine ecosystems cover more than three-quarters of the earth’s surface and provide critical services—from habitats and drinking water, to contributing to climate control, while also providing nutrition, jobs and livelihoods. The World Bank, as the biggest multilateral funder for ocean and water projects in developing countries, is committed to working with countries to ensure access to safe and clean water and for the sustainable use of ocean and marine resources. This includes avoiding pollution reaching oceans through better waste management.
“As maintaining precious fresh and salt water resources is complex and challenging, governments must catalyze the private sector to develop innovative solutions. We are therefore delighted with the diverse range of investors that have purchased our bond series and appreciate the commitment of all stakeholders to new approaches to ensuring better stewardship of our fresh water and ocean resources.” said Arunma Oteh, World Bank Vice President and Treasurer.
The World Bank has US$37 billion in water-related investments and an oceans-related portfolio of more than $4 billion—including more than $550 million in projects that contribute to reducing marine pollution in countries such as the Philippines and Indonesia. The World Bank is also supporting countries as they help make their coastal communities more resilient, often in the face of dramatically shrinking coastlines; while also focusing on improving fisheries management in all regions where the Bank works.
“We are pleased that investors are committed to increasing access to clean water and protecting the health of our oceans, both of which are vital to the sustainable growth of economies, livelihoods and the future of our planet. Investors like these are key for mobilizing the kind of innovative financing we need to meet the Sustainable Development Goals," said Laura Tuck, Vice President of Sustainable Development at the World Bank.
In terms of fresh water resources, the World Bank is committed to achieving “A Water-Secure World for All” where water is managed and shared effectively and sustainable to support agriculture, manufacturing, job creation, households, and the environment. In a water-secure world, countries can reduce and adapt to the impacts of a changing climate on water, while consuming it efficiently. In the last two years, the World Bank helped more than 47 million people access safer water and provided more than 24 million people with access to better sanitation.
The thematic focus on SDGs 14 and 6 follows World Bank Sustainable Bonds launched earlier this year while focusing on gender and health and nutrition. With annual issuances between US$50-US$60 billion annually, all World Bank bonds support the financing of programs that support the Sustainable Development Goals. World Bank bonds are aligned with the sustainability bond guidelines published by the International Capital Markets Association (ICMA). The World Bank is also a member of the Executive Committee of the Green Bond Principles. A key priority for the World Bank’s engagement in the capital markets is to build strategic partnerships with investors to raise awareness for the role of private sector financing in development.
In India, a World Bank project has mapped the entire coastline to better manage coastal space and minimize vulnerabilities through shoreline protection and land use plans. So far, 1.7 million people have benefitted from the program, with nearly half of them women, and 16,500 hectares of mangroves have been planted. Sewage treatment plants for about 1 million people are helping to prevent the flow of more than 80 million liters of untreated sewage into the ocean per day and to protect over 400 km of coastline.
In Indonesia, where two-thirds of coral reefs are considered threatened by overfishing, a coral reef project has benefited 358 village communities by establishing marine protected areas and reducing illegal and destructive fishing. The project aims to increase communities’ income by 15 percent and improve coral reef health in at least 70 percent of project sites by 2019.
In Romania, a pollution control project is reducing the discharge of nutrients into water bodies leading to the Danube River and Black Sea. Over 100 communes have benefited from support under the first phase of the project, 11 sewerage systems and communal wastewater treatment plants were built, seedlings were planted on 182 hectares in 57 communities, and the first pilot plant was built for biogas production from manure. Over the past decade, water quality and ecosystem improvements been observed in the Danube River/Black Sea basin due to this project.
The Panama Metro Water and Sanitation Improvement Project helped improved the quality of water service for 80,382 beneficiaries in Colón and provided the National Water and Sewer Agency with a replicable model, using performance-based contracts, for effectively piloting and implementing new methods of doing business. The project increased water supply continuity from 13 percent in 2014 to 71 percent in 2017.
(* These examples of water and ocean projects are for illustrative purposes only and no assurance can be provided that disbursements for projects with these specific characteristics will be made by the World Bank during the term of the bonds described herein.)
World Bank Sustainable Development Bonds to Highlight SDG 14 and 6: Quotes
"Water is the driver of nature. We at SPP Storebrand welcome IBRD’s effort to issue a bond which highlights the critical water topic. In the coming years, we need to scale up investments in infrastructure related to water tremendously. Raising awareness is a welcomed first step," said Helena Lindahl, Senior Portfolio Manager at Storebrand.
"The decision of the World Bank to launch an initiative to raise awareness for the health of oceans and urgent need for clean water through their sustainable development bond issues, is very much welcomed by investors. We see increased interest from our investors to understand risks around water management and the need to protect oceans. Engaging with the World Bank and others around this topic is extremely helpful," said Christopher Flensborg, Head of Climate & Sustainable Finance at SEB.
“Sustainability is clearly becoming an ever more important topic, also among the investment community. We welcome and support the World Bank’s clean water initiatives,” said Jens Erik Skak Boesen, Senior PM EM Debt at Sydbank.
“The debut water bond in Kazakhstan tenge by one of our preferred SSA-issuers, the World Bank, enables us to ensure sustainability in local currency investing at highly competitive rates,” said Lutz Roehmeyer, CIO and founder of Capitulum Asset Management.
“We welcome very much this opportunity for a responsible investment into World Bank bonds. It also underlines our commitment to sustainable considerations in our active risk management approach and investment decision making,” said Frank Nieresel, Senior PM Fixed Income at Swiss Life Asset Managers.
“We are seeing an ever-growing demand from our investors on Sustainability Bonds across currencies and tenors and JPM is proud to be working alongside the World Bank in this capacity,” said Amélie Darrort, Co-Head of EMTN Desk at J.P. Morgan.
Source: World Bank
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