Settlement with Amherst, Mass., Company Reduces Emissions to Air


Under the terms of a recent settlement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), John S. Lane and Son, Inc. (JS Lane), a sand and gravel company in Amherst, Mass., has taken steps to reduce air pollution, as required by the Clean Air Act (CAA).

"EPA is committed to ensuring compliance with environmental statutes. Adhering to the rule of law is part of the Back to Basics agenda, and helps ensure that EPA is protecting public health from potentially harmful exposure to excessive emissions," said EPA New England Regional Administrator Alexandra Dunn. "We appreciate that this company worked cooperatively and quickly to correct the issues raised during this case."

The settlement resolves EPA concerns about two different types of air emissions at the facility. A 2016 EPA inspection of the plant identified failure to comply federal standards designed to protect public health.

The actions taken by JS Lane will reduce hazardous air pollutants, carbon monoxide and particulate matter.

In accordance with the agreement, JS Lane conducted visible emissions testing and submitted legally required notifications of its facility's operations. The visible emissions tests are designed to ensure that dust is being appropriately managed at the facility. In addition, JS Lane retrofitted one of its two existing engines with an emissions control device and placed another engine out of service by connecting to the power grid, thereby reducing emissions from the engines.


JS Lane operates stone crushers, screeners, and conveyer belts at its Amherst facility. Stone crushing equipment, and diesel engines used to power the equipment, are each subject to requirements under CAA to control emissions.

The stone crushing equipment is subject to federal New Source Performance Standards for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants. The engines are subject to federal National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines. The company has also paid a penalty of $93,500 for its violations of the Clean Air Act.

Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency