Activists urge EU to go for 100% renewable energy


Climate change activists unfurled a giant banner in the centre of the Schuman roundabout in Brussels – just outside the headquarters of the European Commission, the Council and near the European Parliament – reading: "Go solar!", calling on the EU to throw its weight fully behind renewable energy and to abandon dirty fuels like coal.

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Sixty-five activists, from five countries, also painted surrounding roads with biodegradable yellow paint to turn the roundabout into a giant sun, but this was removed by the fire brigade at the request of the police. This is the latest in a series of seven eye-catching actions across European cities, as the EU and national governments decide the future of the EU’s energy system and Europe's contribution in the global fight against climate change.

Greenpeace EU energy policy adviser Ansgar Kiene said: “Europe has an abundance of renewable energy waiting to be harnessed. Ordinary people, cooperatives and small businesses are all ready to take part in the energy revolution, making electricity from wind, water and sunlight. It’s time for the EU to wrest the energy system away from a few large corporate players invested in dirty fuels like coal, and give control to the people.”

The EU is currently deciding the future of its energy system through the review of wide-ranging legislation covering renewable energy policy, fossil fuel subsidies and the design of the electricity market. The European Commission’s proposals were published late last year, branded as the ‘clean energy for all Europeans’ package.

The European Parliament’s energy committee will vote on the policy plans for renewable energy on 28 November and on the reform of the electricity market rules on 11 December. The full Parliament will vote in early 2018. Energy ministers from all EU countries will also meet on 18 December to come to a preliminary agreement on the planned reforms, in preparation for negotiations with the Parliament and Commission.

Source: Greenpeace European Unit